When selling appointments with Wappointment, you can sell your service in a streamlined way with Paypal.

Paypal is the oldest and most popular of processing payments online for your business.

Before using Paypal Payments withing Wappointment, you will need to buy a licence for that addon and install it.

Configure Paypal Payments

Once you’ve installed Paypal Payments in your WordPress’ site backend:

  • head to Wappointment > Settings > Services
  • Hover your mouse cursor on the tab above the services listing
  • A Paypal icon will appear
  • Click on it
  • You will be prompted to enter a Client id and a Client secret
  • These keys can be obtained from your Paypal developer dashboard
  • Select Sandbox to generate test keys or Live to generate production keys for real payments
  • Once the mode selected, click Create App
  • Enter the app Name and hit save
  • Copy your client ID and client Secret keys
  • Paste them back into Wappointment settings
  • Leave the Live checkbox unchecked if you are in sandbox mode
  • Check the Live checkbox if you are in Live or production mode
  • and click Enable Paypal

That’s it Paypal is configured.

You can test payments with the Sandbox mode on following Paypal’s guide:

Production Mode

Basically as explained in the previous step, you can generate both Sandbox and Live keys within your Paypal developer’s dashboard. Once you are ready to move to Production mode and accept real payments, simply:

  • Go to your Paypal Developer Dashboard
  • hit Live
  • and hit Create App
  • And follow the step to get your live API Keys
Ben takes care of all technical aspects of Wappointment. His ultimate goal, a 100% reliable solution that's just powerful enough to cover all of the possible needs for appointment scheduling.