March 2020 is a month we will all remember for the health crisis of the century. During that confinement, stuck at home, we have been working hard to improve your experience with our plugin.

Here are all the improvements :

  • Added Sendgrid API for email sending
  • Added Mailgun Area (EU, US) for email reminders
  • Added header logo selection for email reminders
  • Corrected rendering issues for emails
  • Corrected bug for shortcode insertion of booking module
  • Corrected booking module appearing on reschedule  and cancel page
  • Dropped vue-form-generator

Read more below for a deeper insight.

Emails Looking Better than Ever

We have to admit, before this release our emails were not so sexy…

Nevermind, this was the past, from now on they will look great in all the major email clients, Gmail, Outlook, ProtonMail, etc …

Appointment Confirmation on Gmail

As we were correcting the email issue we have decided to also let you add your logo or a banner for the header of your emails.

And guess what? Adding your own header/banner is  as easy as one – two – three.

Send Emails with SendGrid’s API

While fixing our email rendering issue, we thought it was due to our MailGun integration; it certainly was not…

But heck, the good thing is that while trying to demonstrate that, we’ve created an adapter so that you can send your emails with SendGrid’s API. So now you have the choice between MailGun’s and SendGrid’s API. With SendGrid you can send 100 emails per day for free, and signing up with SendGrid is free too.

APIs are faster to send emails, but you can still set your own SMTP server if you use another provider.

Ben takes care of all technical aspects of Wappointment. His ultimate goal, a 100% reliable solution that's just powerful enough to cover all of the possible needs for appointment scheduling.