Twilio SMS is a premium addon for Wappointment, you will need to get a licence in order to make it work.

Once you have installed your licence and have the addon installed, you will need to configure it.

Getting your Twilio account ready

Twilio is a paid service, with 2 costs you will have to take into account:

So first of all you’re going to need to create a Twilio account, if you have one already, simply login.

  • In a new window Login to your Twilio account
  • First thing first, buy a phone number, without a phone number you cannot send SMS with Twilio
  • Then make sure you have sending credits available
  • Then go to Twilio’s Console
  • From that page you will get the credentials you need Account SID and Auth Token

Connecting the addon to Twilio

In your WordPress site:

  1. head to Wappointment > Addons
  2. Scroll down to Twilio SMS
  3. Click the Run Wizard button
  4. A popup opens with some credentials to be entered.
  5. Copy and paste the credentials you got in the previous step (Account SID and Auth Token)
  6. Then your active phone number will appear in a dropdown, simply select your active phone number.
  7. Finally check the checkboxes in order to activate specific SMS confirmations

That’s it Twilio is configured.

Ben takes care of all technical aspects of Wappointment. His ultimate goal, a 100% reliable solution that's just powerful enough to cover all of the possible needs for appointment scheduling.