When selling appointments with Wappointment, by default you will be able to sell your service with the On Site payment method, with that method active, clients will pay you only when they come by your office.
Stripe is one of the biggest player in terms of processing credit cards securely online for your business.
In order to use Wappointment with Stripe Payments, you will need to buy a licence for that addon and install it.
Configure Stripe Payments
Once you’ve installed Stripe Payments from the backend of your WordPress’ site :
- head to Wappointment > Settings > Services
- Hover your mouse cursor on the tab above the services listing
- A Stripe icon will appear
- Click on it
- You will be prompted to enter a Publishable key and a Secret key
- These keys can be obtained from your Stripe dashboard
That’s it Stripe is configured
Review Payment Step
Now that Stripe is installed and configured, you can head to Wappointment > Settings > Appearance and see how the Stripe payment is looking like. You can edit the labels and reorder the payment methods.
Turn Production Mode ON
By default, the keys you’ve copied from your Stripe dashboard are in test mode, once you go to production mode, meaning from that moment on you will process real payments from real clients, well you need to change the keys you’ve configured earlier.
- Go yo to your Stripe.com dashboard
- Go to developers
- Go to API Keys
- and toggle off the test mode
- Get the production keys
- Then head back to Wappointment > Settings > Services
- Then edit the Stripe API Keys, replace the test mode keys with production keys
- That’s it You can now accept live payments from your clients.
One last thing, for security reason, Stripe requires that your website is encrypting the traffic, so you must have a SSL certificate and HTTPS on on your website. For that particular step you will need to see your hosting company’s documentation.