3 Steps Configuration Wizard

Once you clicked the Start Setup button and Wappointment is installed correctly you will be redirected to our simple configuration wizard.

We basically guide you through the most basic configuration steps:

  1. Configure your calendar: In that step you will setup the calendar of the staff(you or someone else) whom will provide the appointments. You can also set how far in advance people can book you, by default your calendar is open for booking for the next 60 days, each day that passes a new day will be opened. Finally you can draw your standard weekly schedule you can change the precision of that schedule up to each 10min
  2. Configure your service: This is the first service you will provide, you need to select the name a duration and the way you provide it. You can always edit it later.
  3. Create a booking page: This step is optional, basically we make it easy for you to quickly configure a booking page for your users to start making appointments.

Once youโ€™re done with that simple setup, you will be redirected to your calendar page from which you will be able to manage your schedule week by week.

Ben takes care of all technical aspects of Wappointment. His ultimate goal, a 100% reliable solution that's just powerful enough to cover all of the possible needs for appointment scheduling.