Streamlined payment process

By default you can sell your service with Wappointment’s On Site payment method. The On Site payment method is one of the built-in payment methods of Wappointment which basically keeps track of the order allowing you to charge customers when they come to your office presentially. In addition to the On Site payment methods we provide two addons allowing you to offer an online streamlined payment experience, these addons are:

  • Stripe Payments: Allowing you simple credit cards payments
  • Paypal Payments: Allowing clients with Paypal accounts or any local payment method supported in your area to pay online(credit and debit cards included)

These methods are really easy to setup and it shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes for a full configuration. Finally when a customer wants a refund, you can process it easily from Wappointment > Orders.

You can test this in our demo website here.

WooCommerce payments for your appointments

WooCommerce is the most popular E-commerce solution for WordPress. If you are selling something online with WordPress, most likely you are already using WooCommerce.

Now selling appointment is not possible by default in WooCommerce.

But with our Appointments for WooCommerce addon you can easily plug Wappointment to WooCommerce and sell your appointments using all of the payment methods available in WooCommerce, you can benefit from WooCommerce’s coupons system and its advanced tax rules management.

You can test this method of selling your service on our demo website here

Pros and Cons

Both systems Wappointment Standalone or Wappointment with WooCommerce have their pros and cons, so here is a list to help you decide how you want to sell your services.

Wappointment Standalone

  • Great user experience
  • Simple configuration
  • Simple refund in one click
  • No advanced tax rules
  • No coupon system
  • Only 2 online payment methods available

Wappointment with WooCommerce

  • Many payment methods available
  • Advanced Tax rules
  • Built-in Coupon system
  • Payment experience is a bit cumbersome with long checkout form to fill out
  • Configuration can be a bit overwhelming
  • You must install WooCommerce and more plugins for each compatible payment method

Ben takes care of all technical aspects of Wappointment. His ultimate goal, a 100% reliable solution that's just powerful enough to cover all of the possible needs for appointment scheduling.